Kaos & Order

Scroll down to get to know Asha, Kaos, and Aaura

The host body


twi'leki accent
order to the chaos
< original bodily form

the chaotic one


coruscanti accent
the chaos to the order
most recent bodily form >

the peacemaker


Zeltronian accent
balance between order and chaos
mainly stays within the system

Chaos, order, and the peace that binds them

The trio is half twi'lek, half zeltron. Being both gave them the ability to switch skin colors, but only between alters. Kaos emerged first, took over Asha's body, and became Darth Sidious's apprentice. Asha, finally realizing why she didn't have control over her body, took it back and ran away, swearing off the force. Finally, when the arguing became too much, Aaura manifested and became the peacemaker. Now, aaura stays within the system, occasionally poking out when things get too messy. Kaos is the most frequent fronter, however, they and Asha constantly butt heads.